Language patterns that influence behavior



NLP, VAK, consumer behavior, language patterns, system


Consumer behavior has always been influenced by many internal and external factors regarding purchase decisions. However, when the dialogue with another person was considered the specific external factor which in the context of communication was named as an influencing element, information often got understood differently based on context and chosen words. In the world of Neurolinguistic Programming, it is considered that people repeat specific actions when processing information and if one’s language pattern is identified, then the chances for that person to understand correctly the information is higher. This research sets up its objectives for understanding the existing language patterns people have and how it influences their purchase behavior. For this to be concluded, there has been created a set of specific objectives which will guide the research: identifying the language patterns which have the power of influencing consumer behavior (OS1); measuring the impact one language pattern can have when applied to a pattern aligned person (OS2). The analysis will be conducted on a group of people of age 23-31 years old, all being students of the Marketing Faculty. Upon these specific objectives, a set of hypotheses have been established: it is assumed that people possess all language patterns, some being more dominant (H1); identifying the language pattern can be done within a survey (H2). Analyzing the results and interpreting them gives a clear understanding of the fact that language patterns are one of the main influencing elements of consumer behavior and purchase decisions.

