Enhancing economic literacy in Romania: Challenges and opportunities


  • Carmen Sonia Duşe




Economic education, Romania, Challenges, Opportunities, Improvement


This article delves into the current landscape of economic education in Romania, shedding light on the hurdles it faces and presenting potential pathways for improvement. Despite progress in educational reform, economic literacy remains a marginalized aspect of the curriculum, with insufficient focus on practical skills such as financial management and understanding market dynamics. Challenges encompass limitations in the curriculum itself, inadequate teacher training, resource shortages within schools, and a general lack of public awareness regarding the significance of economic literacy.

However, amidst these challenges lie opportunities for advancement. Integrating economic concepts across various subjects beyond traditional economics classes can reinforce learning and highlight practical relevance. Investing in teacher development programs can equip educators with the necessary skills to deliver engaging and effective instruction. Public-private partnerships offer avenues for additional resources and expertise, while digital learning tools can enhance student engagement and facilitate experiential learning. Moreover, community engagement initiatives can promote a culture that values financial responsibility from an early age. By prioritizing economic literacy and implementing targeted reforms, Romania can empower its citizens to navigate the complexities of the modern economy, make informed financial decisions, and contribute meaningfully to societal progress.


