Science as a Tool for Social Development


  • Venelin Terziev


Social economy, social development, higher education, science, WoS


Defining social efficiency and social technology is the core element of assessment methods and models, taking into account a wide range of objective and subjective factors. The assessment methods of social programmes (projects) efficiency are related to the social system’s orientation towards social protection and social services of the population and the use of the process approach and the transition to programme-target methods, outlining the main issues and mechanisms for social services and tasks for assessment, determining the basic requirements for efficiency assessment of social programming and the various stages. Considering all these matters, the research offers social programming efficiency assessment model based on “organizational efficiency” approach that covers a number of certain elements: system for resources acquisition, choice of goals, assessment of the impact on the external environment, choice of strategy, following the “what if” principle and the priorities of social activity, arising from the dynamic changes in social environment. Special emphasis is put on the differentiated effect on higher education institutions, depending on the field in which universities carry out teaching and research activities, as well as on the peculiarities of the university business model in the changing environment for development of the higher education institutions.

